It’s a great time for your business to start fresh with fire safety solutions from Confires. For over 40 years, we’ve been a leader in...
When you manage a commercial building or property, it’s vital to keep it up-to-date on all NFPA codes and standards that apply to your business...
Is your business prepared for a fire marshal inspection? Commercial businesses must adhere to the National Fire Protection Association’s minimum requirements for inspecting their fire...
If you’re planning to open a restaurant this year ― either because you purchased one that went out of business or because you’re building a...
Halloween kicks off the holiday season with lit jack-o-lanterns, creepy candles, dangling faux spider webs, and billowing costumes. These hallmarks are a part of getting...
Christmas Tree Safety While Christmas tree fires aren’t very common, they are likely to cause serious damage if they occur. Protect your home and office...
No one expects a fire to break out in their building, but these types of emergencies strike businesses across the country every day. You, your...
When was the last time you had the fire protection system in your commercial building tested? With all your responsibilities as a business owner or...
As a New Jersey restaurant owner, you have many more responsibilities that simply ensuring the food tastes good. It’s also your job to keep your...